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JustGammon, the Most Tuned Backgammon Game | Homepage

JustGammon is a backgammon game for Android OS.
It is created to be playable on devices like phones, tablets and TVs by everybody, even by blind users using a screen reader like TalkBack or Jieshuo. is the oficial website of this backgammon game and here you can find information about it, like: help and documentation, statistics, news, changelogs and others.

JustGammon can be found in the Google Play Store by clicking on the following link:

The current page was created: Wednesday, 19 September 2018, 11:00
The last update: Thursday, 19 January 2023, 15:49
Since 19.09.2018 the current page has 44830 views, 46.75% from total, 19.15 per day
Totally, the whole site has 95884 views, an average of 40.66 per day
Site author: Emanuel Boboiu (Manu)
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